“The building industry will change significantly over the next few decades as advances in technologies create the ability to better monitor and build resilient buildings and infrastructure,” Radical Galaxy Studio founder Matthew Shaffer said.

One study in particular conducted by the Infuture Hatalska Foresight Institute in Poland predicts that by 2050, eco-friendly and self-sufficient buildings that can sustain human life in any future scenario will emerge as a potentially viable solution.

“The future is the unknown and it always will be. What we can know are the scenarios of the future,” Infuture Hatalska Foresight Institute CEO and Head of Foresight Natalia Hatalska said. “We have to remember that the future is never singular — there are different versions of it.”

Buildings of the future are expected to be fluid and able to transform themselves by using sensors and artificial intelligence to detect changing conditions outside of the structure, including significant weather events, terrorist attacks and asteroid events. Structures will also be able to create energy from within to provide residents with a safe and comfortable interior if the need comes.

While this concept may seem far-fetched, there are already technological advances in place that could eventually facilitate such architecture.

“By using technologies such as advanced Building Information Modeling techniques and IoT technologies, real estate developers, engineers, architects and city planners can simulate how different structures perform under extreme scenarios during the planning and development phase, along with using sensors to monitor current infrastructures’ structural integrity,” Shaffer said.

Read more at: https://www.bisnow.com/national/news/office/by-2050-buildings-could-have-a-mind-of-their-own-82715