Augmented and Virtual Reality Differences

Augmented and Virtual Reality Differences

“Virtual reality and augmented reality have the potential to become the next big computing platform, and as we saw with the PC and smartphone, we expect new markets to be created and existing markets to be disrupted” -Goldman Sachs Investment...

BisNow: Beyond The Bio: 16 Questions with Matthew Shaffer

BisNow: Beyond The Bio: 16 Questions with Matthew Shaffer

Profiling professionals in real estate who have transformed our neighborhoods and reshaped our cities. After a decade-long career in investments, Matthew Shaffer turned the tables and launch a firm centered around disruptive technology

IREI: The Proptech Landscape

IREI: The Proptech Landscape

For the venture capitalists funding this new sector, proptech is a broad category, encompassing commercial and residential real estate, and tools that support data/investment as well as construction/operations — real estate technology comprises everything...

Are Custom Homes Prime for Virtual Reality?

Are Custom Homes Prime for Virtual Reality?

In today’s technology-driven era, we consume, look forward to and find inspiration in the latest tech advances that make our lives easier. Though the human touch is an unbeatable force when it comes to design

Apple Rumored to launch AR and VR products by 2020

Apple Rumored to launch AR and VR products by 2020

Apple is rumored to be launching new Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) products by year 2020. They have been researching this technology for over 10 years, but with the increase in popularity and demand of this technology, insiders report

Radical Galaxy Invited to Speak at AEC Conference

Radical Galaxy Invited to Speak at AEC Conference

Radical Galaxy Studio, a technology company specializing in high-end virtual and augmented reality experiences, spoke at the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) event April 19th-20th in Washington DC. At the conference, Radical...

For Retail, Augmented and Virtual Reality are the Future

For Retail, Augmented and Virtual Reality are the Future

Where is the mall headed? Mall owners are redeveloping and reimaging their properties to be relevant in today’s changing retail market. Many properties are going through major redevelopments trying to create an experience, not just a place to shop.

How VR Is Changing the Real Estate Landscape

How VR Is Changing the Real Estate Landscape

For those in need of new real estate, the process of finding, selecting and committing to a property can be one peppered with a vast amount of challenges. Buyers can ease into the process with use of full service sites such as