VR Studio Radical Galaxy Partners with Apollo, Eastdil Alum to Scale Business and Open NYC Office

VR Studio Radical Galaxy Partners with Apollo, Eastdil Alum to Scale Business and Open NYC Office

With projects to date including working with major corporations such as Hyatt Hotels, Radical Galaxy Studio has earned its rank as one of the top providers of virtual and augmented reality content in the real estate industry.

Today the company is excited to announce, in partnership with Bradley Snyder, formerly of Apollo and Eastdil Secured, a major scaling and expansion of the current Bellevue, Washington business with the opening of a new office in New York City. (more…)

Augmented Reality: Spectacular Changes for Real Estate

Augmented Reality: Spectacular Changes for Real Estate

Until recently, augmented reality (AR), as a palpable concept, was floating somewhere between a filament of avid developers’ vivid imaginations and scripts of sci-fi blockbusters.

Today, we’re on the verge of being able to firmly walk into the realm of augmented reality: a place where digital information is interwoven into the actual physical world. Lines are seamlessly blurred together and one is essentially unable to pinpoint where actual reality ends and the augmented one begins. And this is, perhaps, where its main appeal lies.


Virtual Reality Headsets for the Real Estate Industry

Virtual Reality Headsets for the Real Estate Industry

Sometimes, things just fit together. Those, you-complete-me types of unions are often accompanied by a response of joy and bliss and then, if the fit is built to last, the possibilities are endless.

The blissful fit we’d like to spotlight here is the serendipitous match between real estate and virtual reality headsets (HMD).
